Maranatha Christian Academy

     A Ministry of Croom-A-Coochee Baptist Church

January 1990-Present

Pastor Jerry Alexander had a vision to have a Christian school ministry in his church. The Lord had always led the right people to the church for particular needs in the past and this time was no different. One bright Sunday morning in the Spring of 1989 at the beginning of revival meetings by Pastor’s cousin, Bro. T.J. Archie, Mr. & Mrs. Phil Sarlo and their four children, ages 10, 12, 13, and 14 came at the 11:00 Worship Service time. Mr. Sarlo was driving down Hwy. 301, coming from Zephyrhills, FL, looking for a good church for his family. The Sarlo’s were impressed first with the compassionate Gospel preaching and the friendliness of the people in welcoming them to come back again. This family continued to come each night of the revival. One night, their youngest son, Dustin, was baptized and became a member of the church. That same night, Dustin’s sister, Darla, prayed that Dustin would be healed from his severe allergy problem. Her prayers were answered that night and the Sarlo Family decided to come the following Sunday morning to hear Pastor Jerry Alexander speak. The Sarlo’s agreed that this church was where the Lord wanted them and they all became members, having been saved and baptized in previous years.

It wasn’t long before folks at the church found out that the Sarlo’s had been home schooling their children and that Mrs. Sarlo had been Principal at Zephyrhills Christian Academy and had experience with the Accelerated Christian Education program. Pastor Jerry wanted to know more about this school program and asked Mr.. Sarlo to share with the people on a Wednesday night service how they could have a Christian school. Mr. Sarlo insisted that the only way he would help with a school would be if the people were willing to have the basis of Christian Education taught to them first, that is, the teaching from the Word of God regarding teaching our children. Pastor agreed and Mr. Sarlo took four consecutive Wednesday evenings going over the Scriptures on why we should teach and discipline our children and how to do it God’s way. As many as 18 different families were interested in starting a school. Each of the families went through the Accelerated Christian Education’s PACE’s on Philosophy, Discipline, Parents, and Academics, spending Sunday afternoons learning about Christian education. Mr. Sarlo knew it was necessary in order to have the commitment it takes to have and to keep a Christian school. Mrs. Sarlo volunteered as Principal of the school and served through May of 1996. The school actually began in January of 1990, on a home school basis. The students came together once each week to score and test and to attend Wednesday night Prayer Service. Mrs. Sarlo kept all records and the school was successful. In August of 1992, Maranatha Christian Academy opened as a dayschool. The school has ranged in size from 21 students to 45 students or more. Several students have graduated from our school and gone on to college, earning academic scholarships. The A.C.E. program is now known as The School of Tomorrow with its headquarters in Texas. This program emphasizes "learning" rather than teaching. Students can excel because the program has built-in controls, motivation, and character training. It is an individualized, self-instructional curriculum written by PH.D.’s. The curriculum is currently being used in over 70 countries and in public schools in some countries, most recently in Russia, because it teaches character, utilizes computers, and teaches phonics and English. The staff of Maranatha Christian Academy receives training from this program and attends annual conventions and workshops to keep them updated on our curriculum program.

Maranatha Christian Academy has not sought accreditation to the present as it is entirely voluntary in the State of Florida, and it is achieved by the school’s adopting and maintaining the academic standards prescribed by an independent accrediting association. However, we do seek to maintain higher standards than any school needs to be accredited. A school that is not accredited is not necessarily an inferior school, just as an accredited school is not necessarily a superior school.

Maranatha Christian Academy is located in District No. 60, Sumter County, Florida. We are Non-public School No. 0001 and registered with the Florida Department of Education and listed in the Florida Education Directory each year.